United Kingdom

Countries :: United Kingdom

UK - Bilingual Education Norfolk 2016
UK - Bilingual Education Norfolk 2016

'Language Acquisition and Literacy: The heart and soul of learning’

Dear Colleagues
The Norfolk Minorities Achievement and Attainment Services (MAAS) team are pleased to announce Professor Stephen Krashen as the keynote speaker at their conference:
‘Language Acquisition and Literacy: The heart and soul of learning’
The Space Norwich January 22nd 2016 8.45 to 4.30. 


Professor Krashen has not spoken in the UK since 2003 and I am sure you will agree that this is a rare opportunity to hear him speak and engage in a very topical debate. Additional speakers will follow the themes of Professor Krashen’s two key note presentations.
Please see the attached flyer or visit our website http://goo.gl/hPTGxY for more information. Places are limited particularly for the carousel presentations and workshops so I urge you to book early.
I hope to see you at the conference.
Raul Alvarez-Conte
(The flier is attached below)
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A flier for a course in 'Bilingualism in Physical Education' in Norwich, June 2016.
(The flier is attached below)


Language Across the Curriculum 2
NILE, September 2006

I was happy to contribute to a course with a wonderful group of teachers in two groups from Italy, China, Bulgaria, Poland and Portugal.  It was the last week of the NILE (www.nile-elt.com) summer courses and despite the fact that many things were winding up the teachers were full of enthusiasm throughout the course.

The teachers were divided into two groups for the Language Across the Curriculum Course at NILE with a large group of primary teachers from Emilia Romagna and the rest from secondary and tertiary education.

My own contribution was only for the second week as I had been participating in the Emilia Romagna Regional Lend Conference in Italy the week before.  The main focus of interest from the teachers was on language and task design as well as resources for integrating content and language.  I presented sessions looking at tasks for ‘processing’ language and task for ‘producing’ language and we investigated language and structure in texts to this end.  We also visited a variety of websites such as Enchanted Learning (www.enchantedlearning.com) for its wonderful section on graphic organisers and the FACTWorld site www.factworld.info and www.groups.yahoo.com/group/factworld/ for networking opportunities.
Teachers presenting their project work
Supporting language in experiments

The presentations were particularly good and reflected the amount of work and energy the teachers had put into them during the course.
Presentation 1 - States of water
Presentation 2 – herbivores and carnivores
Presentation 3 – the weather
Presentation 4 - Domestic animals
Presentation 5 – Observing plants
Presentation 6 – Static electricity
Presentation 7 - Cooking
Presentation 8 - shapes
Presentation 9 – endangered animals
Presentation 10 - cosmetics
Presentation 11 – travel UK

The course closed with hugs and kisses and promises to keep in touch.  Well, I know I’ll be meeting up with some of the Italian colleagues again at the National Lend conference in Bologna in March, perhaps at a seminar their local trainers would like to run in Bologna in November if the dates and content are convenient.