Germany - Science Across partners meet in Kassel
Science Across partners meet in Kassel, Germany
Fri, Nov 16th 2007
from Lyubov Dombeva, English-medium Biology teacher in Bulgaria
Dear FACTors,
Here’s another event happening under the Science Across the World flag.
Last week I spent several days in the town of Kassel, Germany. I was invited there by Mr. Egbert Weisheit (a senior biology teacher and trainer, coordinator for SAW-Germany and last but not least, he’s also a FACTor!) to contribute to a teacher training seminar. It was organized by the In-service teacher training institution in the province of Hessen and supported by GlaxoSmithKline.
The event gathered teachers and trainers from Germany, Sweden and Bulgaria to discuss the European Dimensions of Teaching. Naturally SAW ( was at the core of the talks when it comes to international exchange and collaboration and participants found out ways it can be used in both science and language classes as well as for cross-curricular teaching.
I myself showed examples of SAW projects on a number of topics done by students aged 11 to 18 years old over the past seven years, as well as how I integrated the SAW topic of Renewable Energy in the Roerich School participation in the Solar Schools Forum project. Just to remind you that the SSF website holds a huge collection of teaching materials and examples of implementation of renewables from 16 European countries, in 11 languages that are free to access at
During my stay in Kassel I also had the chance to meet Mr. Weisheit’s teacher trainee students and find out more about the two years of thorough practical work and research that prepares them for the teaching profession. They meet every fortnight to share insights, experience and teaching materials they had tried out.
I was also very happy to be warmly welcomed in the Friedrichsgymnasium Kassel that had been an exchange partner for my students for many years. For the first time students from the two schools exchanged in 2003 discussing GMO, and the last exchanges were in May and June 2007 on Climate change and Biodiversity.
I visited two Biology lessons in grade 10 – revising for a test and grade 13 – working in groups and presenting their findings to the class. I was also a special guest in an English language lesson and answered all sorts of questions from students that were curious about school life in Bulgaria.
At the end, dear FACTors, I would like to wish to you all to have the chance to meet your SAW exchange partners in person as I did. It was a rewarding experience that is to bring more collaboration in the future. If you’re still not involved in any SAW project, hurry up and join us for free by the end of the year!
All yours,
Lyubov Dombeva